Summer months aren't just time for beach vacations; they’re also time to maximize savings on your natural gas bill. The warmer weather means you won’t need to heat your home as much. Plus, by following our tips, you can take your savings even higher.
Turn Off Pilot Lights
You probably won't need to use your gas fireplace during the summer months. So make it a habit to turn off the pilot light when the weather gets warm to boost your natural gas savings.
Do Equipment Maintenance
Summer is the perfect time to repair heating equipment, since you won’t need it as much. This is also an excellent time to consider upgrading to energy-efficient technologies, such as boilers and furnaces with ENERGY STAR labels. Replacing your worn equipment with these energy-efficient solutions can cut your natural gas bill in half during the colder months.
Replace Windows
If your windows are drafty, they can leak heat — and let cold in — during the winter and any time you need warmth. This can lead to increased natural gas consumption. Inspect your windows and replace drafty ones with windows that can provide better heat retention and insulation.
Insulate Your Water Heater
Insulating your water heater can reduce heat losses by up to 45%. This translates to savings in water heating costs. Before installation, be sure to follow the local code for installing water heater insulation. Some regional regulations and utility companies may prohibit water heater insulation for safety reasons.
Insulate and Seal Air Ducts
Insulating and sealing your air ducts prevents heat loss and boosts the efficiency of your HVAC. Insulated air ducts ensure the circulating air remains at the desired temperature for longer, resulting in less demand on your HVAC systems. Insulate all air ducts running through your home and seal the joints, especially those in unheated crawl spaces and basements.
Conduct a Home Energy Audit
Take some time to conduct a do-it-yourself home energy audit. This will alert you to any problems with your home’s heating and energy consumption. Here are some aspects of your home that are well-worth investigating:
- Air leaks
- Ventilation
- Appliances
- Lighting
- Heating and cooling equipment
Seasonal Disconnect
Stop paying for natural gas you’re not using during the summer months. A seasonal disconnect is a service provided by True Natural Gas, which means your natural gas service is disconnected during the warm summer months. This is an excellent option for those who use natural gas for heating only. The seasonal disconnect cuts off the AGL base and service charges and, after the summer, it's reconnected for a warmer home during the cooler months. True doesn’t charge a reconnect fee on top of Atlanta Gas Light’s fee when customer wants to restore their gas service.
With little or no heating needed during the summer, you can instantly save big on heating costs. Take advantage of warm weather to put more savings in the bank by following our recommended natural gas savings tips.