You’re reading your monthly gas bill and going through the numbers. Everything seems to add until you get to the bit that reads ‘AGL Base Charge’? But you’re getting the gas from True Natural Gas, what is AGL? What are they charging for? And what is their relationship with True Natural Gas? Let’s find out.
What Is AGL?
Atlanta Gas Light (AGL) is a natural gas distribution utility provider in Atlanta, Georgia. The company has been in operation since 1856, making it one of the oldest corporations in the state.
As a distribution utility in the Southeast, they don’t sell gas directly to you, the consumers. They instead operate and maintain the framework that delivers the gas to customers of certified gas marketers like True Natural Gas.
The AGL Base Charge
The AGL base charge you see in your bill is the regulated charge from AGL billed to each natural gas marketer. It’s the cost of the following:
- Delivering gas to your home or business
- Cost of maintaining the pipeline
- Meter reading
The base charge is 100% pass-through (meaning True Natural Gas and other gas marketers don’t make a profit from it) regardless of who you choose to be your gas provider.
The Relationship of AGL and True Natural Gas
Understanding the relationship between AGL and True Natural Gas helps to know what each of them does.
AGL is a distribution gas utility provider. They provide gas to you through gas marketers (like True Natural Gas). They also maintain the pipes, read your meter, and take care of emergencies if it arises.
On the other hand, True Natural Gas is one of the certified gas marketers in Atlanta, Georgia. As a gas marketer, they sell gas that they get from the utility provider ( in this case, AGL) to consumers like you.
Their relationship stems from the deregulation of natural gas, which started around the mid-1980s. Before deregulation, you didn’t have a choice of your supplier or pricing plan because your natural gas would have been delivered entirely by the local utility company in your area. Deregulation created competition, giving you options to choose which company you want to provide your natural gas from.
True Natural Gas Provides You the Best Service at a Great Price
As one of the certified gas marketers in Georgia, True Natural Gas offers you one of the lowest gas prices in the state. We also offer you excellent world-class customer service. Our friendly team is ready to answer any of your questions. Contact True Natural Gas today for your natural gas needs in Georgia.