When looking for the best price for natural gas, you must do your homework to find a vendor that fits your needs and provides you the service you need at a rate you can afford. Thankfully, there are easy ways to find an affordable natural gas vendor. At True Natural Gas, we want to ensure you have all the information you need to select a natural gas provider that is within your budget.
The Role of the Public Service Commission
In Georgia, the Public Service Commission protects consumers shopping for energy. The role of the Public Service Commission is to work with companies, like True Natural Gas and Atlanta Gas Light (AGL), to set rest and publicize information about those rates. The PSC also publishes info about gas rates as part of this role.
Comparison Shopping
This comparison is available here and is updated every three months. As you can see, the comparison page lists the total bill amount for various plans, including senior rates, variable, and fixed. Fixed rates allow users to lock in a particular rate price. Variable rates will shift, potentially as frequently as month-to-month. These rates are harder to predict and may sometimes offer a less high price. However, there are times when those rates may be more expensive. So you must do the research necessary to decide if it is a risk you are willing to take.
Do Your Homework
Remember, many companies will try to get you to switch gas companies by making false promises. They lie to you about your rights and what you are offered as a consumer. Therefore, you shouldn’t make any decision without checking the GSC's website first, as this can give you an objective comparison of plans and let you know if a plan is good. Furthermore, make sure to Google the company and research other users' experiences with them.
At True Natural Gas, we're proud of what we offer our customers in affordability, flexibility, and customer service. Check our website for more information about how we can help you get reliable natural gas at affordable prices.